Renewable Energy & Electrification in Kenya

Global cumulative energy-related CO2 emissions and African share scenarios

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Renewable energy in Sub-Saharan Africa is not about offsetting emissions

Power capacity vs untapped demand 2020

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but about spark socioeconomic development.

Today the electrical power that supplies and connects Kenya comes almost entirely from renewable sources and its growth will assimilate the power demands of the future.

Power capacity vs untapped demand 2030

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Kenyan Power Generation Mix 2020 (%)

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Youth in rural areas of SSA do not have access to jobs or (safe) energy use.
Despite the advanced development in renewable energy capacity in Kenya, there is limited access to job opportunities for its youth (and especially female youth) in this sector.

Kenyan Power Generation Mix 2020 (%)

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We build a lighthouse that intends to be a means to… 
Conciliating the practical skills needs of renewable energy company with youth unemployment in Kenya

Tackle systemic obstacles that prevent energy self-sufficiency and leapfrog into a cost efficient renewable industrialization.

Female share of employment by economical activity in selected African countries 2019

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